Quality Assurance & Quality Control Manuals and Checklists, Excel Construction Estimating and Invoicing Templates, Purchasing & Contracting Policy & Procedures Manuals, Purchase Orders, Contract Documents, Terms, Contractor Site Safety Policies & Manuals and more.

A Lone Buyers Friend.com, a division of C.A. Services, Inc.

A Website dedicated to providing easily editable Books, Manuals, Worksheets, Forms, Checklists and Templates for developing policy and procedure documents related to Purchasing, Contracting, Quality Control, Safety, Estimating and Construction Management Activities. All products are Microsoftâ„¢ Office Word or Excel based.

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Purchasing, Expediting, Material Control, Auditing, Estimating, Contractor Administration, Safety Checklists, Safety Plans, Agreement Templates, and more.

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Quality Assurance and Quality Control Manuals, Plans & Templates

QAQC Management Quality Assurance and Quality Control Manual, Plan and Auditing Checklists and Templates

Most organizations have bookshelves of manuals and procedures that were written with good intentions but never really put into practice. A good manager must constantly monitor activities, no matter how much they are documented, to make sure they are executed properly.

These checklists contain fundamental questions that were developed by the founder of C.A. Services, Allen Helms, C.P.M., C.B.M. over his career in the Materials Management and Project Management profession. They are based on sound business practices from experiences with both large international companies and small individually owned companies.

These checklists include many questions about many activities that must be addressed in order to ensure success. Read them over, decide which ones apply to your situation and address accordingly.

Starting with basic and proven fundamental necessities ready to be modified to fit the task at hand is the easiest, most efficient solution to save time and ensure success.

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